Modern vehicles usually have four wheels, a steering wheel, and an engine, just as they have for decades. But an awful lot has changed since the days of carburetors and drum brakes. The ad...
You probably know that USB is a computer term (it stands for Universal Serial Bus). But do you know what a TSB is? You should, because it could be important for your vehicle.
A TSB is a Technical Ser...
Brrrr. It's cold outside. And if your vehicle's heater isn't working, then it's cold inside too. No fun – and potentially dangerous: heat is needed to defrost your windshield.&...
You may not be familiar with all of the items on your Fairbanks auto service center's menu board so here is a quick description of some of the typical services that might be listed. Remember, the boar...
We’re going to be talking about the ethics of automotive repair. Unfortunately, every profession has some bad actors that hurt the reputation of everyone else. In the automotive worl...
No matter how well they’re made, vehicles will have design or manufacturing problems. And when the government thinks a problem is really serious, they require the manufacturer to issue a r...
When you step on the accelerator, you expect your vehicle to speed up, not slow down. But, what if it doesn’t? That can be a big problem.
The answer may be a problem with the sensor...
You wouldn't walk into a different dentist's office every time you needed a tooth looked at. You wouldn't pick out someone at random every time you needed your hair cut. And on Tax Day?&nb...