Peger Road Auto Repair Tech Question:
I'm Alex. My Check Engine Light came on in my vehicle. I've tried several things to make it go off but nothing has worked. What should I do?
Peger Road Auto Repair Answer:
Like Alex, most of us in Fairbanks have experienced a check engine light coming on suddenly. We're frustrated because we don't know why.
Of course that's perfectly understandable: There are hundreds of reasons for the check engine light to come on – and there's only one light.
Alex said she tried several things to get the light to go off – but it didn't work. Her goal was to get the light to turn off. I would suggest that the goal should be to find out what caused the light to come on in the first place – and fix it.
You can search the Internet and find millions of sites with tricks to get your vehicle check engine light to turn off. But what good does that do? Whatever caused the light to come still is not working. Not getting to the bottom of the problem can lead to other problems for drivers in Fairbanks – some minor and some more serious.
Your friendly and knowledgeable pros at Peger Road Auto Repair can get you started down the road of properly diagnosing the problem and getting it repaired – try them first next time.
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Peger Road Auto Repair
1904 Peger Road
Fairbanks, AK 99709
(907) 479-6162
At Peger Road Auto Repair we install quality NAPA replacement parts.